Continuous Discovery

Obtain a deeper
understanding of your customers.

Why is it important to get right?

Too many teams do not engage in enough actual product management. Instead, their responsibilities are more day-to-day, cranking out directionless features on an assembly line. Continuous discovery is a methodology that places greater importance on customer-centricity, leading to better outcomes.

For this shift in attitude to be appreciated, widespread and habitual, teams require a solid foundation of knowledge, techniques and tooling.

What are the key areas to cover?

  • Qualitative research: surveys, interviews, observation, and more.
  • Quantitative research: analytics, heat maps, event tracking and more.
  • Appropriate mechanisms for capturing the voice of the customer.
  • Testing and validating hypotheses through experimentation.
  • Centralisation of research in a human-readable format.
  • Necessary ways of working to be in a position to act upon insight.

What are the consequences of inaction?

The idea that product management teams should frequently engage with customers is now widely accepted. However, in reality, this is not always practiced. While teams should be making decisions based on research and insights, many businesses still face challenges in implementing this model effectively.

Failure to establish continuous discovery techniques can lead to:

  • Feature factories where genuine user needs are not considered.
  • Customer disengagement and loss.
  • Missed opportunities, especially "easy wins".
  • Outdated products and decreased competitiveness.

How can ProductPartner help?

We have previously worked with startups to establish both the components and the overall structure for meaningful continuous discovery.

We are able to assist your team to:

  • Assess of current discovery habits.
  • Improve data and research techniques.
  • Select appropriate tooling.
  • Manage change to updated frameworks.
  • Measure of efficacy and appropriate iteration.

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